10 New February Videos and a Quick Reply Giveaway

Do you ever feel like you have a daily emotional journey that you keep repeating over and over?

This is me most days between 6-7am, 🤣

Somewhere early afternoon, I feel a lot like Paul Rudd

Then between 5-6pm, its dinner time (again) and I'm her

And after a long day of serving and too much social media scrolling its just Sadness

And it seems I repeat this day after day, week after week. It's funny how much we fall into the trap of thinking we are stuck. We believe we have no choice but to repeat the same things and feel the same way, but I want you to believe that change is possible.

Today is the start of a new month. It has 28 days and what if by the end of this month, you had made a small change that had really added up? A new workout strategy. A new time to turn off your phone. A new book you're committed to finish. A journaling habit of 3-5min a day. A new plan to tidy up each night.

It might totally change your daily emotional journey for the better.

The NEW workouts are here, but first a GIVEAWAY!

I want a few of my email subscribers to have the chance to sign up for BTRIBALFIT at a discount, just because you've shared your email with me. So, if you are currently not subscribed here it is:

  1. The first person to reply back to this email (who isn't currently subscribed) who asks for a discount will get 100% off their first month subscription!
  2. The second and third person to reply back to this email (who isn't currently subscribed) who asks for a discount will get 50% off their first month subscription!

Don't wait. Hope you'll reach out soon! Let the games begin 🏃‍♀️🧍‍♀️🤩

February videos are LIVE

For the Tribe! - B


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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