A dream came true this weekend

A (Windy) Oklahoma Tribe Story

Ki Cole and Sam Mueggenborg

If you would have told me a few years ago that I'd be great friends with a professor from Stillwater and a fraud analyst for a bank in Kingfisher Oklahoma, I'm not sure I would have believed you.

This past weekend, the most magical thing happened. I traveled to Oklahoma City with plans to watch my son play soccer and to attend a wedding in the evening. So what would I do between 2pm-5pm? Well, I messaged these two amazing Oklahoma subscribers I've never met in person and they said YES to filming a workout with me. WHAT? I've only ever seen their faces through my phone, but this weekend I got to hug them, sweat with them and hear even more about their life and their little kids.

So who are these amazing women and how did B•TRIBAL•FIT become a part of their lives?

Ki (in the front) moved from Arkansas to Oklahoma about 10 years ago and worked out with me her entire pregnancy. Her son is about to turn ONE and she killed it during our workout. She lives on some land with her husband and would you believe she does the majority of her workouts outside in the dark at 5am before she heads off to teach at Oklahoma State! The images she posts on our community site of the sunrise are breathtaking for us all to see. Besides being a boss woman professor, she also helped lead our summer book club. Her heart is as sweet and genuine as they come.

Sam (in the orange) has been pressing play on B•TRIBAL•FIT videos for over 2 years and now is 13 weeks pregnant with her second baby. She's a full time working mom and is married to a hard working farmer where they grow wheat and raise cattle!! Sam also helps recommend videos for our weekly workout schedule and I've never been so thankful for her friendship & help. I've learned that my creative brain needs lots of organizers around me at all times and these women certainly fit that description. I wish you could have seen us run to each other to hug and I'm kind of tearing up now thinking about it 🥺

My initial goal for B•TRIBAL•FIT was simply to get "fun, effective, affordable" at home workouts into the living rooms and back porches of women who needed them. I had no idea the friendships that would develop and how we would grow to know & love one another. It's such a gift to have met these women and to get to share our overall lives through this online community.

I am honored and humbled by the friendships and support of so many for B•TRIBAL•FIT. No matter where you live or what season of life you find yourself in, you don't have to be alone in your health & fitness journey. I've got a team waiting to be "your people" so come join us whenever you are ready.

If you have a story of how B•TRIBAL•FIT has brought joy or relationships to your fitness journey, will you please reply and share it with me?

- Brooke 🧡


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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