February Fever, Funk, or Frenzy?

Goodbye January,
Hello February!

Why do we LOVE February?
Cause it's short and sweet 💘🍫

Sometimes I make mom jokes and occasionally they are funny. So, my family was A-OK saying hasta-la-vista to January. 👋 Besides the cold dark days of winter and endless at-home icy school days, I came down with a head cold that tested every ounce of my patience and is still somehow lingering!! Meanwhile my husband battled several kidney stones 🙅🏻‍♂️

I think we ALL need something exciting to look forward to, help refresh our minds and give us a new early goal in 2024. 🥁 Let's say HELLO to our new workout program for the Spring!

I'm launching a brand new 21-day SHRED starting this Monday, Feb 15th and carrying through until March 3rd.

Every member is invited to join us as we move our bodies consistently for the next 21 days. Whether you have 5min or 45min each day, this SHRED is designed to motivate and readjust mindset. Plus our Workout Community is ready to walk through the next 21 days with you.

I always appreciate you letting me share the NEW monthly workouts with you too 🤗 It's my greatest joy creating and filming videos that help you get moving, feel loved and strong.

  • Circuits 1 & 2 with my gym pals Amanda, Meredith, Kate & Carrie
  • Barre Circuits with Brooke!
  • Weights with Caroline. Full body, 20min legs & 20 min arms.
  • Mobility with Brooke :) It's becoming an obsession, TRY IT!!

Try our Valentine Barre.

Brooke & Fin on YouTube.

Please help me share these fun updates with your friends and family when you get a chance! Make sure you join our SHRED & join in the conversation on our community site. We've been sharing lots of yummy recipes. 🍜🍮

Brooke 💙


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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