Is it worth it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Let us work it!! 💪🏼

May Motivation & Community Challenge

I recently asked my fitness community if they needed some help and a push to make it through the challenging month of May. I said, "Ladies, do we need to challenge May instead of letting it challenge us? Who needs some accountability and a goal?" In response to the statement here are some responses:

Leslie: Yes Please! May is so busy with end of the year school activities. I'd love some extra motivation to exercise & eat right.

Katy: I would love a B•TRIBAL•FIT challenge! 💪

So WHY is Katy excited about a health challenge? Is it the workouts? The food tips? The fresh start to a new month? NOPE!!!!

It's the coming together of like-minded women who need each other for support, accountability, and energy. The difference maker is the community you commit to.

Your TEAM. Before we go any further with May Challenge details, I want you to imagine yourself saying YES to being on the greatest TRIBE team imaginable. We all desire a dream team! The amount of emotional weight we will carry for one another over a few weeks is priceless.

When you treat your individual fitness like a team sport you will 100% grow in the following 5 areas: competence, confidence, connections, character and caring. That's why we love B•TRIBAL•FIT challenges, because of the changes and sustainability it brings.

Your Cost. If you're already a paying member, there's no additional cost to joining our May Challenge. If you're not a current member, you only pay $19 for the month. Workouts, coaching, and community for a whole month for less than the price of a few tacos and a margarita 💙

Your Plan. The agenda for May is an easy one! Move your body, eat protein // whole foods, and post to the community site as often as you feel comfortable. (see below for more details)

Your Bonus. I'll be hosting a 30-45 min ZOOM call every Friday. May 3rd, 10th, 17, 24th, 31st. You can meet other women, share your wins/struggles and glean some weekly motivation.

31-Day Tracker.PNG

Helpful May Suggestions!!

When choosing a fitness plan for this month...

•Just start walking 3 days a week.
•Follow the weekly app/website daily schedule
•Mix up the app workouts with gym workouts
•Try to get 15-25 min of movement 3-5 x's a day
• Focus on the Stretching and Pilates module on app
•Protein first!! Lots of water.
•Document your food, small portions.
•Avoid excessive processed food & alcohol.
•POST your workouts and meals to our community site!

We'll be waiting for you on our Community Site! All are welcome to participate once you've become a member. Slow and dedicated TOGETHER is the name of the game this month!!

Brooke 💙


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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