September Success In 3 Steps

Hello Friends, it's been a minute 🤍

Happy September from me and my grown up babies!!

QUESTION!! How are you holding up? I'd love to hear from you. Many of us have had a few weeks now with kiddos back in school. We've had a moment to breathe and we all realize it's time to prioritize ourselves again. Are any of you wondering how to make that happen? Some seasons (like summer) can knock us off our regularly scheduled program and leave us feeling like we are back to square one.

My husband Finley reminded me the other day that we still have 1/3 of the year left 🤗 and there's so much we can still accomplish before the year ends. How can we make the most of the next 4 months?

Step 1: Set a short term goal. One of my favorite things to do each day is check out our amazing community site. Women just like you and me hop on the app to share workouts, their recipes, wins, struggles, and offer motivation.

"Setting a goal this month to complete the weekly schedules and treating it like a shred. A short term goal is where I thrive and where my habits are born. 4 full weeks this month; let’s go! 📆 ✅"

Step 2: Write it out, see it with your eyes, visualize your month! Did you know that the BTRIBALFIT app has a built in calendar? We upload the weekly schedule to it or you can create your schedule of videos too!

Step 3: Dedication to yourself. If you need to restart your fitness habit or press play on lower impact videos, I've got you! You can also try all our new mobility sessions, just go for it!!

This week I released all new workouts for September. So many great ways to move and stretch your body that I filmed at the beach last month. Come workout with us for the rest of the year!

Cheering you on towards health and happiness! - B 😘


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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