Why every woman needs a Tribe (resources included!)

What happens to the disconnected Woman?

We've all been there. Some of us are there right now. Others don't want to admit how truly easy is it is to slip into a rhythm of surface only living that results in a lack of meaningful relationships. 😞

It breaks my heart when I hear stories of women who don't have close friends who they know and who know them. 💖 To be known is one of our deepest needs that God placed inside of every woman.

Sometimes women are isolated because of circumstances. You can find yourself disconnected whether living out in the country or in the big city. You can feel alone at home all day with little babies or living in a digital world with no meaningful time around a table with friends.

When you find yourself disconnected it affects your entire life in a negative way.

Your daily habits lose steam because they completely depend on your motivation.
Your thoughts have no ability for a course correction or outlet for your creativity.
Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, there is a physiology change that happens when we are present around other people.

I believe these two statements to be 100% true:

  1. Without encouragement and accountability we will always fail to grow.
  2. Without a solid connection to other women we lack the opportunity to change.

Surface only living means you have no one who needs your unique gifting in their life and you don't benefit from the gifts of others.

I acknowledge that I have been extremely blessed by the women in around me over the years. It isn't something that has just happened to me though. Having friendships that are mutually meaningful requires effort, time, and usually a shared purpose or experience.

So what would I suggest? 👏 Go after your people (thanks Jennie Allen), which usually means you take the first step. Whether it's a neighborhood walk with strollers, an intentional monthly lunch to talk with a friend, or weekly workout group to push each other, I hope you will take the first step towards pursuing authentic friendships.

Some Help to Start

👯‍♀️ If you've ever wanted to have your own "Tribe" where you can push play together, I've made a guide for you. Over the years I've heard stories of women working out in garages, school classrooms, neighborhood pool houses, back porches, and living rooms.

If you ever decide to do this, or you already are using B•TRIBAL•FIT as a means to get together with other women, will you please let me know! Reply back to this email, tag me on social media, or send me a DM. I would love to hear, help and celebrate YOU!

Cheering you on - B

PS. Did you know I had several other online channels too? ⬇️


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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