Why Your Mental Fitness Matters Too 💛

We CAN do hard things!

Would you believe public speaking scares me to death! I can lead a 300 person group fitness class easy peasy, but stand in one spot, just talking to an open room of strangers without doing squats!!? I faint!!! 😨

My friend Karen Shields asked me to speak to a group of college girls at Arkansas State a few months ago. I had four months to prep and mentally prepare, but sadly I showed up with a canker sore and big nerves. I had a huge relief when it was over but I also immediately wanted to find my next group to speak to. Our minds are weird like that!

But why do we DREAD them...

Dread is common in many women, but what is it exactly? Dread is the anticipation of suffering that your brain creates in advance, as it tries to help us avoid a possible painful experience ahead of us.

Our brains help keep our bodies and minds safe and avoiding pain is often job number 1. At the same time, all pain isn't bad as it helps build our physical and mental strength when we overcome and push through the right amount of pain.

I truly believe some of my past speaking engagements were so scary because my brain didn't allow me to fully accept the painful parts of my family history. Every time I talked about my childhood I would cry, and that was so painful & embarrassing.

So what are some things that you are dreading right now?

Cleaning toilets?
Tackling family debt?
Working out after pregnancy?
Helping the school PTO?
Cooking dinner?

When it comes to your mental and physical health, are there personal failures or scary memories tied to the thought of caring for yourself? Maybe your mind is telling you it will be hard, too much time, or you should be too embarrassed to begin right where you are?!


Most of us tend to tune out the flight attendant's instructions after we've flown a few times. They give the same overview every time. Seatbelts, exit rows and oxygen masks. Of course all are important, but there is a hidden lesson for us.

The first instruction for operating the oxygen mask is to put your mask on first! The reason is that you can't help anyone else unless you first make sure your body has the oxygen it needs.

Your physical and mental health are no different. Whether it's your kids, your spouse, your business role or your friends, you cannot operate at a high level if you aren't healthy.

When I talk to women online, around town or in my tribe community, I cannot tell you how often I hear that women are ignoring their own health.

If that's you, then it's time to share down your dread and believe in your potential.

I couldn't have made it through my talk at Arkansas State without Karen & Amanda for being my hype gals. They spoke nothing but uplifting, encouraging words to me. I hope you hear the same from me today about pushing through any dread you have and putting on your mask first.

Cheering you on towards health and happiness! - B 😘


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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